Thursday, September 3, 2009

Writing tip for the day 9/2/09

The writing tip for the day is to write a creative nonfiction story. People find it most interesting to write about real life events because they can relate to their struggles and the pain of others. Why should one take part in creative nonfiction writing.

Real life experiences, learning lessons, and struggles adds creative flavor to the writing process. People tend to either remember the conflict that has plagued them, or reflect on the happy moments in result of challenges.

Conflict makes it a habit to condition the mind with recurring memories of tragic moments. Happiness is lost in the mind, hidden away in one of the memory drawers, waiting to surface into writing process.

If you're currently a college student, make it a goal to register for an upcoming creative nonfiction writing course. While an undergraduate at UCSB, I took writing courses outside of my major. I have fond memories of the writing experience I gained at the university.

Once writing course, Advanced Creative Nonfiction, allowed me to write personal stories about real life events. Each assigned required a different set of instructions, but gave us the ability to offer our life stories. I wrote an informational piece about casino gambling, a creative story about traveling cross-country to deliver a dog, and other pieces on real life events.

In each nonfiction writing piece, I added creative flavor using similes and metaphors. I value the experience I gained in that creative nonfiction writing course. Essentially, because of writing creative nonfiction stories, and listening to other students' stories, it helped me to find a writing voice.

Creative nonfiction writing has the ability to inspire any person into wanting to share their personal story, but doing so with a creative breath, a flick of a pen, and by a stroke of a key. You can use any life experience to manufacture a creative nonfiction writing piece. How do you begin writing nonfiction writing stories?

Write down a list of life experiences that you find interesting. Since you live an already interesting life, take the time to share those events with others, but do so using creative nonfiction to excite the reader and yourself.

Start out writing the real life story in narrative form - beginning (setup), middle part (confronting obstacles), and deliver the ending (resolution). Afterward, go back into the story; insert similes and metaphors into your stories to induce creativity. If you have confidence in writing similes and metaphors, then you can consolidate the first few steps into making the initial run a creative adventure.

Find writing techniques to make your story interesting. Manipulating the element of time - going in and out of time using flashbacks, foreshadow events with flash forward, and offer mind flashes that use outside events to zest up the story.

As being an author of your creation, don't hold back your creativity. Write about life with the same passion as living it. Creative nonfiction writing turns life struggles into inspiring stories.

Invest time into turning your struggles into an inspiring gain. An audience appreciates any struggles that demonstrates the value of hard work. Memories in a mind lead to passionate stories from the heart

Have fun writing creative nonfiction stories.

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