Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Writing tip for the day 9/08/09

The writing tip for the day is to draw something you want most in life. You don't have to be an artist to take part in this activity. The goal of drawing your wants, desires, or pleasures in life is to explore the inner meaning of a dream. Investing time into sketching a dream image will build more value into going after success.

With every stroke of the drawing utensil, your vision becomes more clearer. After completing a sketched image, write a one page analysis on what moves you about the dream. Every person has a specific want in life. They know what makes them smile. What dreams inspire you most? Try to figure out what inspires you to live a dream.

My dream is to write films in Hollywood. Since 1994, everything that I have done in life has revolved around that specific goal. I find inspiration in every written word. I don't limit my writing to one specific area of writing because I know that screenwriters have to write for a more diverse audience than in the past. Why do I have a writing dream? In essence, I find motivation in inspiring others to chase after their dreams. Every person deserves to live a dream.

Analyzing the dream image from many different perspectives. Why do you want to live this dream? Do you know what it takes to accomplish the dream? Think of actual sleeping dreams you had in the past. The subconscious has the tendency to act on its like an intrapersonal entity carrying out activities without consulting the conscious mind. Try to merge the conscious and subconscious minds together to work as a team to accomplish a dream.

The mind understands the value of a dream. I picked up on drawing as an outlet away from writing. What I noticed about drawing is that it has the same power as writing. Any creative writer has ability to produce sketched images.

The drawing and analysis activity motivates one to chase after your dreams because they can imagine the dream. Drawing and writing about your dream conditions the mind to realize success. Thank you for reading the writing tip for the day.

Have fun drawing and analyzing your dream image.

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