Thursday, November 19, 2009

The writing tip for the day 11/19/09

The writing tip for the day is to record an idea. Whenever ideas
surface writing become more interesting and efficient. In this writing
tip of the day I plan to briefly explore ideas.

What ideas have you come with lately? In my writing arsenal I have
ideas that are full of potential. How can you develop an idea?

Pay close attention to everything around you. Ideas are generated from
real life situations. Life experiences, social issues, conflict,
treating problems are good ways to create ideas.

Writers understand the value of a great idea. Write down clever
words, actions, concepts and anything else you think will increase
your interest level.

In the writing world, ideas can either make or break a project.
Maintain an idea journal or log to record your ideas. Expand your
ideas to better improve and to become a more effective writer. Thank
you for reading the daily writing tip of the day.

Start recording your ideas today.

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