Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Writing tip of the day 9/22/09

The writing tip for the day is to work on time management skills. Society is constantly racing around without having a sense of time. Try to schedule in writing sessions, but do so without making the process feel like a job. This writing tip for the day will confront time management issues that influence the writing process.

Do you feel that time is never on your side? I'm sure that time sensitive issues are rather common issue in everyday life. How can you work on having better time management skills to complete projects?

I found that setting a deadline to an early date helps in the writing process. Additionally, scheduling in fun events disciplines the mind to identify writing as being something fun. Try to condition your mind to stave off procrastination through pushing aside time to write.

Reward yourself for completing a project before a projected deadline. Take for instance; if you complete a project ahead of time, treat yourself out to dinner or purchase some of your wants. Our wants usually take a back seat to relevant needs.

Time management skills influence money, reputations, integrity, and many other important aspects in life. Set goals to deliver projects on a given date. Break down the writing process into steps - assigning a schedule to complete sections of the paper.

When writing a paper, try to avoid being too perfect. Perfectionist traits tend to interfere with the writing process. Open up your mind to making mistakes. You always have the revision process to clean up problem areas within your paper.

In order to strengthen time management skills, a person must understand the root of their time issues. Assess your procrastination woes through using a critical eye. Don't hold back on constructive criticism. Self-analyze your time issues to better your time management skills. Thank you for reading the writing tip of the day.

Remember; Disciplining time will mold a person into a reliable clock.

Have fun utilizing your time to meet writing deadlines.

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