Friday, August 7, 2009

How to reduce stress in college

How to reduce stress in college? Essentially, there are many techniques to reducing stress in college. After earning 2 Associates Degrees, a Bachelors’ Degree, and a Master’s Degree, I have found that stress does help students to perform better in college. It is virtually impossible to keep organized because college instructors treat students like robots. They assign research papers, essays, have quizzes and comprehensive midterms and finals, and expect students to read hundreds of pages. Reducing stress in college requires being responsible, having discipline and integrity, and utilizing strong time management skills.

Being responsible is one of the most important steps to reducing stress in college. With the cost of education skyrocketing, a student is unable to reduce their stress because they have to worry about the financial demands of surviving – paying for rent, car insurance, car payments, tuition, food, utilities, and a handful of other bills. The first day of college is never easy. Every student is going to have stress, but there ware ways to reduce the feeling of helplessness and chronic anxiety. A student has to be responsible. They should avoid falling into the trap of ignoring their problems.

As a new student attending a community, state, university, or private college, stress levels are equally damaging and exhausting. How should one be responsible? A student must understand that the main purpose in attending college is to prepare for their future. Many college students want to go to parties, go on drinking binges, and experience the dating scene. In order to responsible, a student has to set goals, balance out their courses, work, and fun time. Having discipline will keep a student on track to reducing stress in college.

Ideally, students have to be disciplined to reduce stress in college. A high school graduate that leaves home for the first time is sure to experiences a reality shock. They have to meet new friends, instructors, and adapt to their surroundings. Many struggle to make the college transition without losing their mind. They find that stress, depression, and anxiety are the only ways to deal with their homesickness. Disciplining oneself will help to reduce stress and to keep goals intact. Setting realistic goals: getting good grades, meeting new friends, and avoid procrastinating will keep the stress level down.

Students that lack discipline make poor decisions that cause high stress levels. They blame others for their problems and resort to outside influences, which in result raises the stress level even higher, making college an unhealthy and unfit place to prepare for a bright future. Being disciplined requires one to set goals, plan events, keep track of daily events, avoid procrastination, be confident, and accept their role as a college student.

Having integrity is necessary to reduce stress in college. Instructors expect students to write original papers that are free of plagiarism. They constantly warn students that any cheating will result in further disciplinary action, including a failing grade and possible expulsion. Instructors set deadlines to teach students that completing tasks on time reflects their integrity. In the professional world, being reliable is what many employers expect of their employees. Instructors are responsible for molding students in responsible adults that are dependable. For some apparent reason, students still avoid completing assignments and still manage to plagiarize and cheat. While being disciplined helps to reduce stress, developing strong time management skills will reduce stress and help a student remain positive.

Time management skills begin with following a schedule. In the academic world, students tend to procrastinate because they dislike writing, have fear of failure, are perfectionists, and are just irresponsible. Because students wait until the last minute to complete their assignments they find comfort in borrowing ideas without properly citing them. In addition, it is common for students to copy passages from the Internet because they assume their instructors will never check. Never take the chance of waiting until the last possible moment to complete assignments. Students that make procrastination a habit experience a high level of stress; they associate college as being negative.

Time management skills require a student to stay ahead of deadlines. Scheduling fun time will make help make uninteresting events seem more appealing. Students should keep a log of what activities are accomplished each a day, which would help them monitor what they do with their time. They have to avoid trying to make their assignments perfect the first time around. Completing the work, then revising it afterwards prevents time management problems. Reducing stress in college will take some time, but through time management skills a student has the ability to make their educational experience a rewarding process.

Reducing stress in college requires a student to be responsible, develop discipline, have integrity, and adopt strong time management skills into their educational and personal life. In essence, high stress is due to procrastination, being negative, and in trying to take on too much at one time, forcing students to make irresponsible decisions. Students must balance out their time wisely to make college a valuable and life-changing experience. Students are told to stay organized and to plan ahead, but nothing ever goes the way that a person hopes. A student must locate what their problems are through investing time into improving their obvious weaknesses. Lastly, a student can reduce stress in college by slowing down and taking time to process their goals and responsibilities.

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